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Top Reasons You're Bloated

Bloating is a common concern for those with digestive issues, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It’s one of the more uncomfortable gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms because it can distort how one feels in and looks at their body. It may even cause clothes to not fit properly, which can reduce self-confidence. Bloating is a symptom we notice most often, but it’s a bit misunderstood compared to other GI symptoms.

Bloating is defined as subjective discomfort by a person’s sensation of intestinal gas. This means this isn’t always something that is measured, but can be based on how one feels in their body. Because of this, it can be hard to fully understand what’s going on. Bloating can also be referred to as the buildup of gas, liquid, or solids in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Sometimes bloating will be paired with abdominal distension, sometimes it will not. 

Causes of bloating

Bloating is typically a symptom, versus a condition in and of itself. This can be a sign that something normal or abnormal is going on in the body. 

The most common causes of bloating are overeating, eating large portions of foods at once, or slow mobility (movement) through the GI tract. The undigested food can cause extra pressure, excess fermentation (gas), and the feeling of fullness that’s typically associated with bloat.  Slower motility can be due to conditions like gastroparesis, delayed gastric emptying, functional constipation, and more. This is something you would want to talk to your doctor about. 

The buildup of gas is typically due to increased fermentation by large meals, cruciferous vegetables, large amounts of fiber, resistant starches, and FODMAPs. The rate of fermentation is unique to each person’s microbiome, but as gut bacteria digest the fibers from food, they produce gas, which can build up and lead to bloat. It’s important to note here that fermentation is a very good thing, because bacteria also produce other byproducts that are necessary for overall health, including short chain fatty acids. This process happens in the large intestine. A little bloat and gas after a meal is very normal and a sign that your microbes are working. Being uncomfortable, in pain, or distended is not as normal. 

In a GI condition called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), bacteria move into the small intestine, where they ferment food there and lead to bloating. This is usually paired with severe distention, where one looks like they are pregnant, as well as pain. This type of bloating with most meals is a red flag for SIBO. Read more about what SIBO, how to get tested, and how to treat it here.

The buildup of gas can also come from swallowing air through straws, eating too quickly, drinking carbonated beverages, and chewing gum. These are typically signs to look for in a food and symptom journal, and can be easy changes to make to reduce overall bloat. 

The buildup of liquid typically comes from FODMAPs. FODMAPs are short-chained carbohydrates that move through the GI tract and pull water into the gut. For those with IBS, this may happen more rapidly, most likely due to an increased intestinal permeability. This water can lead to abdominal distention and the feeling of fullness, characterized as bloating. For those with IBS, bloating can also be marked by pain due to hypersensitivity. 

A buildup of liquid can also be due to fluid retention, which can be caused by increased intake of salt, hormone changes, and conditions like diabetes or kidney disease. If bloating doesn’t subside and you feel like you are swollen throughout other areas of your body, you should talk to your doctor about this. 

The above are the more direct causes of bloating, but there are also some causes that aren’t as direct. We know that bloating is more common for those with PCOS and endometriosis, as well as other GI conditions, like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and functional dyspepsia. We also know that hormonal fluctuations during menstruation and menopause can lead to bloating, without a direct reason. For those with IBS and other GI conditions, visceral hypersensitivity could even cause the sensation of bloating without the actual distention or production of gas.

Want to learn more about IBS? Sign up for a free IBS mini course here!

Treatment for bloating

When it comes to treating the symptom, there are some natural remedies you can try. Increased water, peppermint tea, heating pads, movement, and ginger are all shown to help. These won’t target the root cause of the bloating, but can help alleviate the feeling and decrease the distention. 

To prevent bloating and treat it for good, you want to identify the root cause of it. If food seems to be a trigger or IBS is present, bloating can be reduced through simple dietary changes or an elimination diet, like the low FODMAP diet. Bloating can also be reduced with lifestyle changes, like added movement, not wearing high-waisted and tight pants, and slowing down with meals. Some people benefit from supplements that may help with the breakdown of foods and the motility of the gut. These would include probiotics, digestive enzymes, and prebiotics.

It’s important to find an individualized approach to dealing with your symptoms by identifying the root cause with the proper health professionals. They will help you navigate if and when you should get testing done and what interventions to implement. One of the best professionals to work with is a registered dietitian. If you’re looking for someone who is specialized in digestive disorders, like IBS, you may be a good fit for my services! Apply for a consult call here to talk about what this would look like for you.


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