5 Ways To Boost Your Immune System With IBS

As I write this blog in March of 2020, there is an increased interest in the immune system due to the coronavirus pandemic. For irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), it’s important to note that this is not considered an immunocompromised condition. However, a poor gut microbiome environment, which is seen with IBS, could mean a weakened immune system. It’s important to recognize that and take caution around those who are sick in case you are more vulnerable from having a more serious reaction to the illness. Also, sickness and medications for sickness can worsen symptoms for many of those with IBS so it’s best to avoid the sickness, if possible. Before you decide to lock yourself in one room with a can of Lysol and a supply of Vitamin C supplements, let’s talk about 5 ways you can <actually> boost your immune system with IBS.


This is one of the most important things you can do for your body right now. Sleeping and getting rest will support your immune system and support the other systems in your body, including your hormones and digestive system. It’s ideal to get at least 7-9 hours per night. If you are feeling sick, your body need a bit more. Quality sleep matters as much as quantity. Increase your sleep quality by establishing a bedtime routine that helps your mind disconnect from the day and relax. This could include taking a warm bath with epsom salts, putting your phone away, reading a book, journaling, stretching, and more! When putting this together, think about 1-2 things that help you relax. That’s what you want!

In terms of TV and your phone, know that as images change your brain is activated. So if you’re watching TV or scrolling until you fall asleep, your brain won’t be able to fully relax and get into your deepest levels of sleep. Instead, turn off screens at least 30 minutes before bed. Blocking out any light or sound can also help your brain go into the deeper levels of sleep.

Eat a balanced diet.

There is limited research on the use of supplements for an immune system boost, but we do know that a balanced diet of all nutrients will help your body stay healthy and recover from illness more effectively. Include a variety of proteins, colorful fruits and vegetables, fibrous grains, and healthy fats into all of your meals and snacks! The more diverse plants you consume, the more diverse microbes you have working in your favor to strengthen your immune system. For IBS, this part can be a little tricky due to many symptom triggers coming from plants, so it may be time to get creative and challenge yourself. Here are some ideas of IBS-friendly plants in every color you can try:

  • White/Brown: potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, canned lentils, canned chickpeas, oats, sourdough bread, parsnip, olives, walnuts, peanuts, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, canned mushrooms, rutabaga

  • Red: strawberries, red bell pepper, radish, tomatoes, raspberries

  • Orange: oranges, orange bell pepper, carrots, sweet potato, butternut squash, papaya, cantaloupe

  • Yellow: acorn squash, yellow squash, spaghetti squash, plantain, banana, lemon, pineapple

  • Green: kiwi, greens, broccoli florets, green beans, zucchini, lime, green onion stems, chives, pumpkin seeds, okra

  • Blue: blueberries

  • Purple: grapes, eggplant, purple potatoes

Find clarity in your triggers and feel confident in your body in this 16 week group program for women with IBS

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Reduce stress.

Stress can lower the immune system, interfere with sleep, and trigger IBS symptoms. Reduce stress by setting boundaries with the media you are taking in, exercising in a way that feels good in your body, meditation and journaling, and getting outside for some sunshine! The truth is you don’t have control of what’s happening in the world around you, but you do have control of what you allow inside your brain. If you find that you are full of stress and anxiety, check what you are putting in. What shows are you watching? How often are you listening to the news? Who are you following and listening to on social media? What are the conversations like with your friends and family members? Find the toxic input and cut. it. out. Your brain and your gut matter way too much to allow that toxicity.

Once you remove some of the stressors, think about how you can support your mental and emotional health. This may look a bit different for everyone, but research supports exercise, sunshine, meditation/breathwork, quality conversations with loved ones, journaling, a balanced diet, and sleep. On top of that, you can spend time doing something creative, read books that you enjoy, follow positive Instagram accounts, and more! Get creative here and be intentional with how you spend your time and energy.


If ever in doubt, hydration is typically the answer when it comes to health. Staying hydrated allows your cells to function properly, which allows the systems in your body to run smoothly, including your immune system. Make sure you’re getting plenty of water and avoiding going overboard on dehydrating liquids, like alcohol and caffeine. If you are sick, you’ll need even more water and may need to replace electrolytes. You can do this best through an easy homemade broth, like this one!

Avoid excess alcohol and sugar.

Read “excess” here. There’s no need to fear alcohol or sugar if you enjoy these in your diet. However, large amounts of these can lower your immune system and create dysbiosis in the gut microbiome. The definition of “excess” is not well-defined and may be unique for each person. I typically recommend limiting sugar to no more than 1 serving per day and alcohol to only 2-3 servings per week. If you are sick or think you have a higher risk of getting sick, it may be best to limit these further. Again, no need to fear these or completely avoid them, but be mindful about where you do include them.

I wish I had the secret to avoiding all illness, but the truth is nobody really does and if they claim to, that’s a clear sign they may be exaggerating the truth to make a sale. Instead of falling into the trap of spending your savings on supplements or trying sketchy herbal therapies, give these 5 simple tips a try and notice how you feel!

Which tip are you planning to try starting today? Let me know by commenting below and share this article with your friends that could use a boost!









Are you frustrated with your IBS symptoms? Do you desire to be confident in your food choices? Do you want to have a healthier relationship with your body and diet? Are you ready to take control of your IBS?

Take control of your life with this science-backed, holistic, and self study program for IBS.
Hi, I'm Erin, founder and lead dietitian at Gutivate. Myself and my team are here, across the US to help you get control of your IBS!
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